Why Smoking Weed Makes You Tired And Lazy

Being one of the oldest plants known to grow resiliently in diverse environments, it is only natural that cannabis has been used medicinally in many cultures around the world for centuries. This runs counter to a commonplace belief among the marijuana-friendly set — namely, that a weed high comes without a hangover the next day. Weed is no worse on your health than caffiene so why should it be. But weed is a psycoactive drug, so it has all sorts of effects on people.

Having alcohol in your blood can also potentially cause your body to absorb the THC faster. The worst hangovers come from eating nothing and drinking no water epsecially right before going to bed. As essentially a daily user for the pas ten years, I can say that smoking marijuana before bed will have an effect on your sleep cycle.

Many people swear by eating something before going to bed after a night of heavy drinking. It takes tons of water to filter alcohol out of your body after a night of drinking Boone's Farm from the bottle. We've all been there- you get a little too high the night before, only to wake up the next day not quite feeling like yourself.

Most anecdotal accounts from users who have experienced a weed hangover report much higher consumption rates, particularly in the manner of RSO and other potent products such as edibles While there is some evidence to corroborate the anecdotal accounts of those who have experienced a cannabis-induced hangover, more research would be beneficial to truly understanding this phenomenon.

Upon correcting his water intake, the author found himself feeling healthier with greater spinal flexibility. Personally, I don't believe in weed hangovers, but that could be because I've been suffering from them all along, without even noticing. Although this is the case with alcohol, marijuana doesn't dehydrate the body when it is used.

Many people turn to antioxidants and water to get energy back after a long night of drinking. If someone smokes a large amount of cannabis, the drug's residual effects can last longer. After all, a marijuana hangover causes things such as headaches, nausea - all things that marijuana is used to combat, but that will only increase the amount of THC in your system.

Why It Happens: Although weed may help you fall asleep way faster than you normally would, and lots of stoners actually use cannabis to ease their insomnia, some studies have shown that smoking marijuana can lead to poor, restless, sleep. People react differently to cannabis, and therefore not every person who uses may feel the day-after side effects of overindulgence.

And the THC sparked a range of what psychologists call anomalous experiences”: sounds seemed louder than usual and colours brighter; thoughts appeared to echo in the individuals' minds; and time seemed to be distorted. Some people do have withdrawal symptoms when stopping prolonged and heavy use of cannabis and this can adversely affect sleep.

I was in my early twenties at the time, and though I was no pothead, a night out with friends usually included passing around a joint. If you are consuming regular sized doses of cannabis the night before, then don't expect to feel very groggy the next day. If this is the case, there is a possible that you are ingesting harmful chemicals from marijuana that may induce hangovers.

If this sounds like you, switch to an indica strain before bed, or avoid smoking before bedtime altogether so that you can enjoy a full 8 hours of sleep. The aftereffects of smoking marijuana may not be as severe as those of drinking alcohol, but they can dampen your day.

A cannabis hangover cannot be cured, but the symptoms will eventually subside. The night of my Sex and the City binge, I settled in on my couch, turned on HBO, popped a chocolate (I chose the ones from Sakara ) and forgot about it. Buy Weed Online Canada It was kind of huge: The effects of CBD didn't knock me over the way I had felt when I smoked.

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